French is the language of government/schools and Tahitian the language of the natives of French Polynesia.


Tahiti Papeete Mission
L'Eglise de Jesus-Christ des Saints des Derniers Jours,
Mission Mormone, BP93
(for pkgs add: Cours de L'Union Sacree)
Papeete Tahiti 98714
Polynesie Francaise

Unto the Islands of the Sea

Send forth the elders of my church unto the nations which are afar off, unto the islands of the sea; send forth unto foreign lands; call upon all nations . . . -------------------------------------------Doctrine & Covenants 133:8
Bonjour! [bon-ZHOOR]:French-------------------------IaOrana! [ee-ah oh-RAH-na]:Tahitian-------------------------Hello!
Bienvenue! [bee-ahn-vuh-new]:French-----------------------Maeva! [mah-AY-vah]:Tahitian-----------------------Welcome!



Monday, March 1, 2010:  Seth opens up his mission call in the Hale 2 Lounge at BYU-Hawaii while student friends there gather round and his family at home watches by webcam.  Thank-you Ammon Mailo for videotaping this!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010:  The Dallas, Texas Temple.   Our Father's House.  The House of the Lord.    Holiness to the Lord.

Thursday, April 15, 2010:  Seth travels to the French Consulate in  San Francisco, California and meets  four other elders called to serve in the Tahiti Papeete Mission there to initiate the process for obtaining  visas. 

Sunday, May 2, 2010: Elder Cosby is set apart as a full-time missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by Stake President Gary M. Riding.  

Wednesday, May 5, 2010:   The big day! Elder Cosby boards a plane early in the morning in Dallas, Texas and after the flight lands in Salt Lake City, Utah takes a shuttle to Provo where entrance into the Missionary Training Center officially begins the mission!  Elder Cosby joins his band of brothers who will study the languages of French and Tahitian and the Gospel of Jesus Christ together!  The adventure begins.

 Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel . . ..  Mark 16:15
Send forth the elders of my church unto the nations which are afar off, unto the islands of the sea; send forth unto foreign lands, call upon all nations.  Doctrine and Covenants 133:5

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