French is the language of government/schools and Tahitian the language of the natives of French Polynesia.


Tahiti Papeete Mission
L'Eglise de Jesus-Christ des Saints des Derniers Jours,
Mission Mormone, BP93
(for pkgs add: Cours de L'Union Sacree)
Papeete Tahiti 98714
Polynesie Francaise

Unto the Islands of the Sea

Send forth the elders of my church unto the nations which are afar off, unto the islands of the sea; send forth unto foreign lands; call upon all nations . . . -------------------------------------------Doctrine & Covenants 133:8
Bonjour! [bon-ZHOOR]:French-------------------------IaOrana! [ee-ah oh-RAH-na]:Tahitian-------------------------Hello!
Bienvenue! [bee-ahn-vuh-new]:French-----------------------Maeva! [mah-AY-vah]:Tahitian-----------------------Welcome!



Dear Family,

Tonight is the night when the First Presidency and the Apostles are all going to be here for the mission president's conference and I'm thinking that it might be the most amazing devotional I have gone to or ever will go to..   All is going well..    It is getting very very hot here.. only a few days after I complained about it being cold..   Me and Elder Smith ( the one who sleep talks in French) are speaking only French and Tahitian now switching off every other day and if I am aloud to say I think we are getting pretty amazing at French and kind of amazing at Tahitian..

Just to let you know I am in good hands here..   My teachers are the best as well as my branch presidency..   I know this because a couple of my teachers left on vacation and stuff and we had subs (which was interesting because they didnt know Tahitian) and they were mean and strict and stuff..   Again not much is going on besides eating, studying,  basketball and sleeping..

An elder just came in to our zone from Wales and I'm 96% sure that he is Ron Weasly..  [Ed. note: Ron Weasley is one of the characters in the Harry Potter book series if you are over 70 and haven't read the books:)    He might be one of the funniest people I know..  We have him read our letters out loud to us so they sound more interesting and he always gives us the choice of him using his accent or his "Queen's accent,"  which turned out to be a very high pitched British woman accent..   I hope all is going well with everyone..  I feel like now that I have learned how to most efficiently use my time and love studying and things and am starting to learn the languages that the time is going by really fast..   I only have 4 more weeks here..   

 Ua here au ia outou means I love you.

Love Elder Cosby.

P.S.  Mom:  I feel awesome that you don't know what I'm saying.  Faaitoito means be diligent!

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