French is the language of government/schools and Tahitian the language of the natives of French Polynesia.


Tahiti Papeete Mission
L'Eglise de Jesus-Christ des Saints des Derniers Jours,
Mission Mormone, BP93
(for pkgs add: Cours de L'Union Sacree)
Papeete Tahiti 98714
Polynesie Francaise

Unto the Islands of the Sea

Send forth the elders of my church unto the nations which are afar off, unto the islands of the sea; send forth unto foreign lands; call upon all nations . . . -------------------------------------------Doctrine & Covenants 133:8
Bonjour! [bon-ZHOOR]:French-------------------------IaOrana! [ee-ah oh-RAH-na]:Tahitian-------------------------Hello!
Bienvenue! [bee-ahn-vuh-new]:French-----------------------Maeva! [mah-AY-vah]:Tahitian-----------------------Welcome!


SORRY AGAIN: March 28, 2011

Dear Family,
Sorry I haven't been able to write very much during these past couple weeks, but everything is going super good. So we baptized Norma and Jean-Daniel,  and over the course of the lessons they changed a lot.  Our zone leader thought we were messing with him when we told him how much.

Also, I haven't had a companion for 3 weeks and not much work has gotten done in my area.  I hope my new companion says, "It's like you haven't done anything here for the past couple of months, what's the deal?" So I can laugh and say, "Exactly,"  but actually these past three weeks were really cool because I did a lot of splits with the ward missionaries and pretty much that means here the former missionaries.  I learned alot from them, but this last week they all went to BYUH so I had no one to help me with my work and both of the zone leaders got sick, so I learned alot about scriptures and languages. I hope more exciting things happen next week so I can write y'all exciting things, but sitting in the back of the zone leaders car all day is the opposite of exciting. 
Love y'all
Love Elder CosbyC

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