French is the language of government/schools and Tahitian the language of the natives of French Polynesia.


Tahiti Papeete Mission
L'Eglise de Jesus-Christ des Saints des Derniers Jours,
Mission Mormone, BP93
(for pkgs add: Cours de L'Union Sacree)
Papeete Tahiti 98714
Polynesie Francaise

Unto the Islands of the Sea

Send forth the elders of my church unto the nations which are afar off, unto the islands of the sea; send forth unto foreign lands; call upon all nations . . . -------------------------------------------Doctrine & Covenants 133:8
Bonjour! [bon-ZHOOR]:French-------------------------IaOrana! [ee-ah oh-RAH-na]:Tahitian-------------------------Hello!
Bienvenue! [bee-ahn-vuh-new]:French-----------------------Maeva! [mah-AY-vah]:Tahitian-----------------------Welcome!


June 27, 2011: I HAD THE CHICKEN POX

Dear Family,
Sorry it has been a while.  2 weeks ago it was a holiday, so everything was closed and this last week I had Chiken Pox so I was forbidden to leave the house for 8 days.  It was terrible.  I studied a lot of scriptures. Members came to babysit me while my companion went out and worked.   I just received a new companion, Elder Raihauti, who is Tahitian but he comes from Utah.  He is awesome!  I'm glad to be with him.  He just came from the MTC and everyone thinks that he understands Tahitian because of his name and he smiles and nods. Someone is waithing for us so I won't write a lot, but everything is going awesome.  The Lord always watches over his work and if one is ready he gets to see the Lord's hand in the work.   Go to the temple a lot and do a lot of missionary work and you will be happy!
Love,  Elder Cosby
I was happy to hear from about 1,000 Tahitians that the mavs won.
Go Mavs!

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