French is the language of government/schools and Tahitian the language of the natives of French Polynesia.


Tahiti Papeete Mission
L'Eglise de Jesus-Christ des Saints des Derniers Jours,
Mission Mormone, BP93
(for pkgs add: Cours de L'Union Sacree)
Papeete Tahiti 98714
Polynesie Francaise

Unto the Islands of the Sea

Send forth the elders of my church unto the nations which are afar off, unto the islands of the sea; send forth unto foreign lands; call upon all nations . . . -------------------------------------------Doctrine & Covenants 133:8
Bonjour! [bon-ZHOOR]:French-------------------------IaOrana! [ee-ah oh-RAH-na]:Tahitian-------------------------Hello!
Bienvenue! [bee-ahn-vuh-new]:French-----------------------Maeva! [mah-AY-vah]:Tahitian-----------------------Welcome!


TEARII: February 20, 2012

Dear Family,
Last week was the baptism of Tearii. He is an 11 year old boy . The baptism was great.  He was so excited that he could not contain himself.  He jumped up to lead the first song with his aunt and yelled, "I am a child of God" at the top of his lungs the first verse all three times (verses). President Sinjoux came.  When he got up to speak Tearii took President's arm and put it around himself and stood next to him until he was finished.  It was a great baptism. His parents have completely changed now. They tell us that Tearii is much better in school now also. After the baptism Tearii went and told all of his neighbors that he was baptised.  They told him that they would buy him candy as a gift and he told them: "Make sure it is big!"  Everything is going great 
Love y'all
Love, Elder Cosby

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